Free Anime Studio Debut 10

Anime Studio Debut 10
Description Anime Studio Debut 10 : Create cartoons and animations from start to finish. Everything you need to get started with 2D animation. IT IS A TRULY amazing product. There are so many cool features in it to make 2d animation for that kind of price is mind blowing if you compare it to adobe. However this product is not 5 stars because even with the tutorials its hard to learn how to use it. especially if the tutorials in their videos are not the same program as yours.

The programs they have in the videos may have the same concept but buttons like scripts are missing in this program, so you will have to be creative about it. It takes a tremendous amount of patients to master it. Great product for easy animation. A slight learning curve, but tons of tutorials available within the program and online.

Features Anime Studio Debut 10 Software :
  • Organize Projects with the Timeline, Keyframes and LayersMove your character naturally along the timeline with keyframes, creating smooth animations. Use multiple layers to edit your animation and add sound, special effects and more.
  • Use Bone Tools to Quickly Animate Your Characters
  • Share Everywhere
  • Bring Your Photos to Life with Automatic Image Tracing