![Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Upsell from any 2 Creative Suites [OLD VERSION] Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Upsell from any 2 Creative Suites [OLD VERSION]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OI3U612%2BL.jpg)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Upsell from any 2 Creative Suites [OLD VERSION]
Features on Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Upsell from any 2 Creative Suites [OLD VERSION]
- Catch production errors with Live Preflight and manage placed files efficiently with the customizable Links panel in Adobe InDesign CS4; zoom in on images more smoothly and rapidly, and rotate your canvas to any angle in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
- Use the indispensable tools in Photoshop Extended as a starting point in any medium: apply the revolutionary new Content-Aware Scaling to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas of the image
- Export a dynamic presentation or interactive brochure as a SWF file with interactive buttons, hyperlinks, and unique page transitions; combine InDesign and Adobe Flash CS4 Professional to customize rich documents
- Simplify the creation of animations in Flash; apply tweens directly to objects instead of to keyframes with greater control over individual animation attributes; use the new 3D translation and rotation tools to animate 2D objects in 3D space
- Move content among Adobe After Effects CS4, Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, Soundbooth CS4, and Encore CS4 with unparalleled efficiency. Expanded Adobe Dynamic Link lets you to link content between components, seeing updates instantly without rendering
Description for Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Upsell from any 2 Creative Suites [OLD VERSION]
Adobe Systems Master Collection CS4 v.4.0 Upgrade for Windows Create visually rich, engaging content for virtually any media print, web, interactive, video, audio, and mobile using the tightly integrated tools and services in Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection software. Features: * More speed and control in everyday design tasks: Catch production errors on-the-fly with Live Preflight and manage placed files more efficiently with the newly customizable Links panel in Adobe InDesign CS4. Zoomin on images more smoothly and rapidly than ever,and rotate your canvas to any angle in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended. Combine multiple artboards in a single document in Adobe Illustrator CS4. And domore with dozens of other enhancements that help you deliver the design work you do today, faster. * New dimensions in image editing: Use the indispensable tools in Photoshop Extended as a starting point in any medium: Apply the revolutionary new Content-Aware Scaling to automatically recompose an
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